Traditional Studies Program

This program intends to provide an intellectual foundation and the paradigmatic tools and frameworks to reading Islamic classical texts for students of sacred knowledge. It focuses on the three core sciences as mentioned in the seminal hadith of Jibril, namely iman, islam and ihsan. These dimensions correspond to the Islamic traditional disciplines of Usul al-Din, Fiqh and Tasawwuf. Additionally, the ancillary disciplines of Usul al-Fiqh, Mustalah al-Hadith, and the disciplines of the Arabic language, Nahw (grammar), Sarf (morphology), and Balagha (rhetoric), will be studied in support of the core disciplines.

Our pedagogy is decidedly traditional. This consists of close readings of texts in Arabic with teacher exposition and commentary. Students will be taught how to read and understand classical texts and contextualize them for our time. The expectation at the end of the program is that students will have a firm grounding in each of these disciplines to the degree that they may pursue more advanced studies and benefit others inshallah. 

The program will span across two years with approximately 30 weeks of instruction per year. Classes will be held three times a week on a live virtual platform. The program will also include a week-long, in-person intensive held during the summer session, with exact date and location to be determined at the outset of the program.


At a minimum, applicants must demonstrate a basic reading level and understanding of Arabic to be considered eligible for the program. This will be evaluated as part of the written application. Additional requirements include a basic foundation in the Islamic Sciences and a commitment to a traditional approach of learning these subjects with a teacher/chain of transmission.


  • Annual tuition of $3000, split into three installments to be paid each term

  • Additional, nonrefundable deposit of $500 due prior to program start to confirm attendance

  • Financial aid is available upon request and review of application

How to Apply

  1. Completion of online application by Tuesday, July, 30th

  2. Passing candidates will be contacted to schedule an online video interview

  3. Decision of acceptance by Sunday, August, 25th

  4. Start of Term 1 Tuesday, September, 3rd

The Traditional Studies Program is well organized and the respected instructors are very well rooted in the Islamic Tradition in terms of both knowledge and practice. They’re very patient and answer all questions diligently. I strongly recommend this course to anyone interested in deepening their knowledge and love for this tradition.
— Omar G. - Class of '24 Graduate


Year 1

    • Introduction to the Islamic Sciences

    • Logical & Critical Thinking

    • Theology I (Muqaddimat)

    • Arabic (Grammar & Morphology)

    • Islamic Intellectual History (Munqidh: Epistemology, Philosophy & Theology)

    • Theology II (Kharida)

    • Fiqh I (Ibadat)

    • Arabic (Grammar & Morphology)

    • Islamic Intellectual History II (Munqidh: Tasawwuf)

    • Theology III (Kharida)

    • Fiqh II

    • Arabic

  • Introduction to Tasawwuf/Tazkiyyah

Year 2

    • Usul al-Fiqh

    • Fiqh (Mua'amalat)

    • Tasawwuf (Hikam)

    • Balagha I

    • Fiqh (Munakahat')

    • Mustalah (Hadith)

    • Tasawwuf II (Hikam)

    • Balagha II

    • Fiqh (Buyu')

    • Seerah

    • Tasawwuf III (Hikam)

    • Balagha III

    • Tasawwuf/Tazkiyyah

    • Conclusion of program


  • A formal degree will not be conferred from this program. However, at the conclusion of the two year program students may select to undergo a more rigorous verification process that culminates in a traditional ijaza to share what they have learned with others.

  • Yes, attendance to the summer intensive is expected for all students.

  • Efforts will be made to make scholarships (including partial support) available for accepted students. Note that financial need will not be assessed as part of the application process.

  • Yes, breaks will be scheduled during the winter, spring and summer season, with a focus on a full break during Ramadan and the Eid Holidays.